In Japan fand die erste Darbietung des Roboter-Trios Z-Machines statt. Die drei musizierenden Roboter namens Mach, Cosmo und Ashura wurden auf der Universität von Tokyo entworfen und bei ihrem Auftritt von der Girl Group Amoyamo begleitet.
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Beim ersten Auftritt versammelten sich rund 100 Menschen vor dem Mensch-Maschinen-Musiker-Mix, berichtet der Guardian. Im Interview verleiht einer der Entwickler der Roboter seiner Hoffnungs Audruck, die Gitarre, Keyboard und Schlagzeug spielenden Kreationen eines Tages ins Weltall befördern zu können. Als erste Stationen der interplanetaren Tour stellt er sich etwa den Mond, den Mars oder einen der eisigen Saturnmonde vor. Hier einige Impressionen von der irdischen Bühnenpremiere:
REUTERSMembers of the robot rock band Z-Machines, guitarist Mach (C), keyboardist Cosmo (L) and drummer Ashura perform during the bands debut live concert in Tokyo June 24, 2013. Three robot rockers took to the stage in Tokyo on Monday to perform three so
EPAepa03757364 Dancers and robot band called Z-Machines perform in front of guests and media ahead of the live debut at the Liquidroom house in Tokyo, Japan, 24 June 2013. Described as a ¸ÄòSocial Party Robot Band¸Äô, Z-Machines made their debut liv
REUTERSMembers of the robot rock band Z-Machines, guitarist Mach (front) and keyboardist Cosmo perform during the bands debut live concert in Tokyo June 24, 2013. Three robot rockers took to the stage in Tokyo on Monday to perform three songs, including o
EPAepa03757381 Robot drum Ashura of the band called Z-Machines is seen on stage at the Liquidroom live house in Tokyo, Japan, 24 June 2013. Described as a ¸ÄòSocial Party Robot Band¸Äô, Z-Machines made their debut live in Tokyo at an event sponsored
REUTERSRobot rock band Z-Machines drummer Ashura performs during the bands debut live concert in Tokyo June 24, 2013. Three robot rockers took to the stage in Tokyo on Monday to perform three songs, including one in collaboration with Japanese pop girl du
REUTERSMembers of the robot rock band Z-Machines, guitarist Mach (C), keyboardist Cosmo (L) and drummer Ashura perform with dancers during the bands debut live concert in Tokyo June 24, 2013. Three robot rockers took to the stage in Tokyo on Monday to per
REUTERSTechnicians make adjustments to robot rock band Z-Machines drummer Ashura after the bands debut live concert in Tokyo June 24, 2013. Three robot rockers took to the stage in Tokyo on Monday to perform three songs, including one in collaboration wit
EPAepa03757363 Dancers and robot band called Z-Machines perform in front of guests and media ahead of the live debut at the Liquidroom house in Tokyo, Japan, 24 June 2013. Described as a ¸ÄòSocial Party Robot Band¸Äô, Z-Machines made their debut liv
Wer Japanisch versteht, kann sich auf der Band-Webseite weitere Informationen holen.