„Wir bringen die Starts von bemannten Raumflugzeugen zurück nach Amerika“, teilte die NASA am Dienstag mit. Die eigenen Space Shuttles waren 2011 ausgemustert worden.
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Vor allem aus Kostengründen hatte die NASA 2011 ihre Space-Shuttle-Flotte in den Ruhestand geschickt. Rund 30 Jahre lang hatten die Raumfähren, die als Amerikas ganzer Stolz und Garant der US-Vormachtstellung im All galten, zuvor Astronauten in den Weltraum gebracht. Seitdem sind die USA auf die Mitnahme ihrer Astronauten in russischen Sojus-Kapseln angewiesen, um zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS zu gelangen. Pro Reise zahlt die NASA dafür allerdings umgerechnet rund 50 Millionen Euro.
The driver of the Over Land Transporter is seen as he maneuvers the space shuttle Endeavour on the streets of Los Angeles as it heads to its new home at the California Science Center in this October 12, 2012 NASA handout photo. Beginning Oct. 30, the shut
The space shuttle Endeavour sits in a strip mall as a Hawaiian Airlines jet approaches a runway at Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. Endeavours 12-mile road trip kicked off shortly before midnight Thursday as it move
The space shuttle Endeavour parks in front of Randys Donuts on Manchester Boulevard in Inglewood, California October 12, 2012. Endeavour nosed out of Los Angeles International Airport before dawn on Friday as it began a two-day journey at 2 miles per hour
The space shuttle Endeavour makes its way east down Manchester Boulevard under the eyes of a Dexter billboard in Westchester, California, October 12, 2012. Endeavour nosed out of Los Angeles International Airport before dawn on Friday as it began a two-da
The Space Shuttle Endeavour slowly moves along city streets on a 160-wheeled carrier in Los Angeles, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. Endeavours 12-mile road trip kicked off shortly before midnight Thursday as it moved from its Los Angeles International Airport han
Spectators take pictures from the roof of a building as the Space Shuttle Endeavour slowly moves along city streets, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012, in Los Angeles. The shuttle is on its last mission _ a 12-mile creep through city streets _ on its way to the Calif
epa03431064 The Space Shuttle Endeavour is slowly moved along city streets in Los Angeles, USA, 12 October 2012. Space Shuttle Endeavour is on its Mission 26 The Big Endeavour trip across the city to the California Science Center where it will be put on p
Crowds gather to catch a glimpse of Space Shuttle Endeavour as it makes its way from Westchester square to Randys Donuts during its final ground journey in Los Angeles, California October 12, 2012. Endeavour nosed out of Los Angeles International Airport
epa03431312 Space Shuttle Endeavour en route from Westchester square to Randys Donuts during its final ground journey in Los Angeles, California, USA, 12 October 2012. Over the next two days, the 170,000-pound (77,272 kg) shuttle will travel at no more
epa03431062 An onlooker takes a picture of the Space Shuttle Endeavour as it is slowly moved along city streets in Los Angeles, USA, 12 October 2012. Space Shuttle Endeavour is on its Mission 26 The Big Endeavour trip across the city to the California Sci
Policemen watch Space Space Shuttle Endeavour as it makes its way from Westchester square to Randys Donuts during its final ground journey in Los Angeles, California October 12, 2012. Endeavour nosed out of Los Angeles International Airport before dawn on
epa03431311 Space Shuttle Endeavour en route from Westchester square to Randys Donuts during its final ground journey in Los Angeles, California, USA, 12 October 2012. Over the next two days, the 170,000-pound (77,272 kg) shuttle will travel at no more
Space Shuttle Endeavour is seen reflected in a window on route from Westchester square to Randys Donuts during its final ground journey in Los Angeles, California on October 12,2012. Over the next two days, the 170,000-pound (77,272 kg) shuttle will tra
Space Shuttle Endeavour makes its way from Westchester square to Randys Donuts during its final ground journey in Los Angeles, California October 12, 2012. Endeavour nosed out of Los Angeles International Airport before dawn on Friday as it began a two-da
The space shuttle Endeavour slowly moves along city streets on a 160-wheeled carrier, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012, in Los Angeles. The shuttle is on its last mission _ a 12-mile creep through city streets _ on its way to the California Science Center in South L
"Große Ankündigung"
Das ist der Behörde ein Dorn im Auge. Daher arbeitet sie schon lange daran, wieder selbst Astronauten zur ISS bringen zu können. Vor allem seitdem die NASA angesichts der Ukraine-Politik des Kreml einen Teil ihrer Zusammenarbeit mit Russland demonstrativ eingestellt hat, gilt die Atmosphäre als angespannt. Nicht zuletzt deshalb will die USA ihre Position als Weltraummacht offenbar wieder stärken. Um 22 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit wird daher eine "große Ankündigung" des NASA-Direktors Charles Boden erwartet.
Auch mit privaten US-Firmen arbeitet die NASA bereits zusammen. Diese liefern Ausrüstung und Nachschub an die ISS, transportieren bisher aber keine Menschen. Vier US-Firmen - SpaceX, Sierra Nevada, Boeing und Blue Origin - haben sich um den Auftrag, Fähren für die bemannte Raumfahrt zu entwerfen, beworben und sind derzeit unterschiedlich weit in ihrer Entwicklungsarbeit. Es wird erwartet, dass die NASA bei der für den Dienstagabend angekündigten Pressekonferenz auch bekannt geben wird, wer den Zuschlag bekommt und wie der Zeitplan aussieht.