The Startups of the Pioneers Festival introduce themselves
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Only one day after the decision was made who will be the new president in the Hofburg, this Viennese residence has become the hotspot of the international startup scene. For the next two days international startups, tech-giants like Jimmy Wales and Segway inventor Dean Kamen, as well as numerous Investors, are on the lookout for the next Facebook, Twitter or Google.
Visit us at the Pioneers Festival
futurezone wants to, as it already successfully did last year, give the startups a platform and invites all participants of the Pioneers Festival to come and visit us at the futurezone booth in the Tech Salon.
We will give you your “five minutes of fame” and will shortly introduce your startup on futurezone. We are available daily from 10:00 to 12:00 as well as 14:00 to 16:00. Only condition – please be brief and give a short and convincing pitch.